back from china!

i'm back!

hi poksters! yes i'm back but you'll be going away so, pfft. hi cheryl, and my brother, and asto(congrats on the bowling thing! so uber cool!), and my bardee (i went iceskating too! in china! it's like 15yuan. that's 3 bucks man), and feli, and mag (: wow. jingyi! you tagged. haha. mister flameboy, my friend wrote it. or rather, drew it. it's just about the only thing he ever spells out in sign. it's terrible. haha. hi pearl. yes i know. school's here! have a good semester! (:

YCE! yes same to you. i missed you yesterday though it was only a day that i didn't see you for :/ haha. i want to go back to changchun! haha. and i want shanghai's now-weather!

my timetable for this sem:
mondays and wednesdays - no class.
fridays- classes 9-12,12-3,3-6. poo.
got all the classes i wanted. yay. lecturers all pretty okay i guess except that for PComDi, i got this Sim Kim Jin guy or smtg. dunno who. but. I WANT VANI! :(

band charity plays this sunday! yay.
being back, is exciting, you know? :D

i just finished eating an orange.
and you know what?
yum yum.
the orange was very nicely sweet :D
food in china=sometimes overly salty and always very oily.
they say the oil is to keep them warm.
oh you know in changchun we were overdressed when compared to the locals.(some locals said "shen jing bing!" - crazy. er. okay)then in shanghai, the locals wear more layers than us. we wore one layer and they wore 2 or even 3.

joy to the world!
to all the boys and girls!
joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea!
joy to you and me!

okay remember to do your quiet time tonight! (: bye!


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