Here's part of eddie's email to my small group, CMJ:

"Our YSG officially starts on 3 Dec morning, but since we got the chalet from 2 Dec, I was thinking that the guys may want to come earlier and we can do our pre-NS talks (for guys only) on 2 Dec. Pls let me know who is interested. The following topics will be covered:

1) Coversational Hokkien 101
2) Understanding basic army lingo (in Hokkien)
3) How to skive while looking on the ball
4) Mastering the art of sleeping anytime, anywhere and in any position
5) Preparing your stomach for army food
6) 5 essential steps to avoid being the Sabo King
(Those who are born this way may skip this module)

For the advance learners, we may move on to cover:

7) Correct usage of the "ORD Lor!" victory chant (complete with victory dance)
8) A guide to medical conditions that will absolve you from NS liability"

Eddie rocks (:

SA(student ambassadors) image training tmr at carrie academy. whole day. must wear formal (which means to me, collared blouse and jeans). and heels. and learn how to put make-up. bah. costs $160 each- school pay.
one whole day okay! and on a sunday. pfft.


"I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth."
-Psalm 121:1,2


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