
hey! anybody want to buy my brand new not-even-opened-yet 4GB ipod nano(white)?
as in, serious. i want to sell it. so please buy my nano from me. ha. ha. okay i'm serious.

oh you know what? mama sally makes nice agar agar.
and. today i saw wang zai niu nai (wang wang brand milk) at the convenience store downstairs so i bought it! cos i miss it. haha. i drank that milk in china. seemed like the most trusty brand there :D wang zai niu nai is sweet. wang zai niu nai is super yum. also, today is bobbly's birthday! and, yay for all those who have finished their o's and a's :) now you all can have a lot of fun playing. for at least a month :) oh you know tonight i was at Wesley YA's catalyst service thingie and Kay Huat was talking about the potter and the clay and while he was talking about the different stages of the process of making the pot, i kept thinking about hey! i have pictures of all that on my laptop! (from china trip) can use and show on the screen! -_-" okay whatever and goodnight!


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