jeremiah 26:14

how now brown cow?


"As for me, I am in Your Hands; do whatever with me You think is right and good."
- Jeremiah 26:14

aye darryl i updated just for you. haha. it's short. but still.
hey shenlet (: you were a very nice angel. haha. we can keep writing (:
hi spacie! enjoy the hols while you can! it'll end very quickly! *hug

okay i will explain " ha luo" (since i'm being asked to)
"luo" = my surname.
and "ha luo" is the equivalent to "hello", for the luos (that means pple with the surname luo).
meimei (that's my sis) came up with it.
so yeps (:
so, ha luo (:
siew and ee are in vietnam. if i weren't having school, i'd be with chinee ((((:::::::: but okay there's joh too. ohwells.

okay now...what is my design philosophy? i have about 3 hours to complete my entire portfolio reflection, which you can say, i haven't started on. lovely. how come i'm not panicking? :/
so okay. what is my design philosophy? and what's the current status of the design industry, it's key trends and blah blah employers' expectations... warrow. how i know. pfft. ah. would you like to write a reflection like that too? :D
warrow. :/ okaybyethisissuchaweirdpost.


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