long post in long time

today i went to popular to buy paper.
i ended up buying up 2 notebooks too (:
ah hui likes notebooks.
i didn't need the notebooks. but i bought them anyway.
tsk tsk.
but i'll use them eventually. i use them up pretty fast. okay maybe not. huh okay nevermind.
poks gave me nice notebooks! haha. hi poks how''s you over there? okay you won't read this while you're over there.
i'm posting about nothing important.
i should be doing my work because i have a lot of work to do.
but i guess i'm not cos i'm just happy that i've finished my portfolio.
thought it'd be quite crappy. but it turned out quite okay (: and thanks to nice friends who say my work is fine, i'm feeling better about my work too (:
i should go and sleep. i have an interview tmr.
my brother is at joel koh's house. they are having a "boys night out" kind of thing. he is coming home "really really late" according to his sms. it is...12.30. okay actually 12.30 not that late. i thought it was maybe like 1.30 already.

okay come let's make this post more meaningful.

"Serve one another in love."
-Galatians 5:13

i'm listening to Jars of Clay.
Lately, listening to non-christian music makes me feel kind of guilty. okay so God is saying something. and i want to click on my indie whatever playlists and play the songs there. but well. maybe God's saying something about this cos of. you know during camp during one of the workshops they played some songs backward and the songs had satanic messages in it? yea.

anyway, yes, serve one another in love.
it's hard sometimes, or maybe most of the time. but hey, it's something that will make everyone happier so okay just do it. and everyone includes. you. and it's true. learn to enjoy serving (:

i think i am like typing funny oreadi.
better go and sleep.
byebye and goodnight.
and remember to serve one another in love.

i was going to type about my day. about the bad things in my day. like wasting 14bucks to cab to school only to find that my lecturer is on mc. and my laptop being borrowed for more than an hour instead of just 15 mins when i was rushing work and needed it. and dang wang talking too much, and me forgetting to get my book from my tcher when i need it tmr but have no sch tmr so have to go all the way back to collect it. but there were the good things too. like nice people and finishing my portfolio and stuff. but i decided that typing it all out in detail would be too :/. so there. you got it in short form. the point is not that there were many bad things in today's' day. but that despite it being a bad day, it still was a good day cos there were good things in the day and the day ended well and how can a day not go well when you have something extra special that some others don't? like Jesus, for a very good example. find the nice things in a bad day and the bad day will become a good day. yey. cheers to positive thinking :D see. now you know why you must try to think positively? it changes things.

i said bye quite a while ago.
so well, really bye now! (:
and hi everybodaaaaay ((((::::zz:zzz


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