"...to love the Lord your God,
to walk in all his ways
and to hold fast to him."
- Deuteronomy 11:22


Good things are meant for sharing...

"What's so different about LOCK&LOCK?????
You'll come to know the difference.
- LOCK&LOCK logo inscribed on the lid
- Sicker with LOCK&LOCK logo
- Hanacobi company logo inscribed at the bottom of the container"

yay. Therefore, buy LOCK&LOCK! -_-

okay there are other good things about LOCK&LOCK la.

"100% Airtight & Watertight
Odor Proof, Stain Resistant
Keep food fresh longer
Microwave, Freezer &
Dishwasher Safe"

There you go. Better reasons to buy LOCK&LOCK.

Time to draw frogs. bye!


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