mark 11:24

'Whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours."
- Mark 11:24


for vscp1, i wanted to do this "hello" concept thing. with just hello as my main whatever thing. and like, have visuals like, for example, just a picture of whatever (no details) and then just the text "hello" there. then mama chan (that's my lecturer) said cannot. hello is just a greeting, you can't use it like that. so i didn't use it. and then whoa.
puma came up with ads where it's... just a photo, and a "hello" beside it.
mama chan you goot.

then for vscp2, i did some uh corporate id thing. it wasn't very good. but anyway. my tagline was "have it your way". and then today i walk into burger king and hey. they have this new whatever burger and the tagline or whatever for it is, lo, "have it your way." nice.



to appreciate Wallace & Gromit better, you need some british humour.

if not, you'll be like the most others in the theatre who are not laughing at the supposed-to-be-funny jokes.


why do lecturer's like the stuff that we don't? :/ (not all the time. but sometimes. okay stupid thing to say. cos everyone's definition of smtg nice does differ. but anyway)
like when lynette chose 2 designs for me to work on for InfoDes, and i worked on it, and then decided to doodle and explore a bit more. and she chose the newer design. which was also harder. and was also very hard. and i did the one she chose. and it ended up quite crap work. such that i feel like doing another whole set of sports symbols. just that i don't quite have that time.
and then i propose my whatever to lille wang for Layout and she doesn't like it cos it's too abstract (okay) then she gives me an idea (and goes on to say that it's a old idea (meaning unoriginal and therefore not interesting) then asks if i have anything else and i tell her my original idea, which i didn't present to her at first because i got stuck halfway therefore cannot do. and she goes "that's much better! i like it better than the first idea!" then it's like, um. okay. right. okay.


my brother's OGL is natalie balakrishnan and he says she's really cool cos she's really enthusiastic.

so on friday when i meet vivian balakrishnan and bring him around the design gallery, maybe i will say to him, "is your daughter natalie? from acjc? she's my brother's OGL and he says she's really cool cos she's really enthusiastic."

but of course i won't.


i want to be involved in tds orientation again.
i like organizing things. i should have chosen HTM (hospitality and tourism management) instead. that's janie's course. but okay. i like design too. and i'm liking it better and better so there. and besides, God put me here for a reason and i'm more useful here than there to Him so that's why i'm here so well there. that's a better reason that any other reason anyone else can give.


miss abigail huang is uber-coolness =D

dawnsa, NOHAPPYHOURNEXTWEEK!=D but got class on monday -_-

i agree with the Nestle Managing Director (Singapore)- milo is good stuff. (he says he swears by milo tetra packs. i don't swear. but yea i think they're good)


this is a lot of randomness but well, happy reading for now, before i stop blogging so much.


life is exciting!
AARON KHOO (sorry. i caps so you can spot your name a bit more easily. not meaning to be rude. haha) i'm saying "life is exciting" with an exclamation mark! it's no longer a fullstop!


okay life is exciting la. i'm serious. as in, Jesus gives joy joy joy! joy that you can't really understand. but it's the kind of joy where you're like, happy for no reason. you just feel happy happy happy and woots! okay i don't know. you have to experience it yourself so well, yes.


okay i should shuttup now (: it's more than enough for today (: and i'm writing funny. heh.


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