kit kat polar bear!

! do you remember the old kit kat ad with the polar bear! where the eskimo photographer is waiting for the polar bear to come out so he can take a picture, and then after waiting for very long the eskimo takes a break and turns away and eats his kit kat and then the polar bear comes out of his hole, whizzing around to funny music! smtg like that! do you remember! haha.. it came into my mind cos i was eating a kit kat bar! haha

aiya what to do for layout. i'm finding it hard to break out of the grid. pffty. wang wang la. anyway it's nice that we got a one week deadline extension :D
DAWNSA! smillllllllllllle! =] internship is in less than 2 weeks! we'll have fun learning and all that! and i will buy you your luncheon! l(u)ol. ( :/ )


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