please don't ask of favours. thank you. and proverbs 3:5,6

please. do not ask of me any favours, at least big ones, till like, at least next next tuesday, after my last submission. because as much as i might want to, it's hard to say no. and i don't really have a lot of spare time for anything extra. sorry! andthankyouverymuch.

sarah masen, where art thou?
but oh well. Badly Drawn Boy is nice enough replacement.

aye BARDEE, milo isn't a bad word anymore? ha. and all those mercedes benz and all that too? haha. my sister reminded me a few days ago that out of that same mouth comes praise for God so yea (cos i said sh*t. haha). gong xi fa cai to you too.
hello WANYI, yes i do remember you. you're a beller! and you're tall! haha. sec4 now :)
hi CHRIS. okay i will buy you an ice-cream. eh. tp doesn't sell ice-cream in its canteens, unlike in sec school. so okay, we'll fix a date after submissions to get ice-cream or smtg okay.
hurhur. DAWNSA, i see you in your red changchun-made top. i will never be brave enough to wear mine. ha. ha. ha. but anyway. you look nice in yours :]

i made a little noticeboard just now. 15 mins. foam board, some corkboard, and tape. yay :]

something pretty for your eyes to look at:
and, click to play on Kusama's World of Dots at (scroll down) it's some. uh. cheap thrill thing for pple our age :D heh. but it's quite cool too :]


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on Your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight."
- Proverbs 3:5,6

i have a feeling i've put this verse here before. but anyway.
anyway. sometimes we know certain verses so well, but we've never really known them. as in, we just have them memorised word for word, but we haven't really thought about what they mean. or sometimes, the verse is a verse you've known since forever, but then sometimes it can come across as refreshingly new when it speaks to you.


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