hello kennineth (:

Hello Kennineth (:

I'm there too. um. kind of.
(pardon bad DI.)
(and you can do your imitation of tenghong here)

don't know whether you want to try this or not, especially since i don't have exact instructions. but here it is anyway:
Mashed Potatoes with mushroom-y sauce.
For the sauce, in a pot, in order: Butter, chopped onion, sliced mushrooms (depending on how much you want), fresh milk, salt and oregano or italian seasoning, dark soy sauce, then simmer and add cornstarch to thicken.
If you can cook well enough then you should be able to figure out the proportions. haha.
And for the mashed potatoes, mash, add milk, salt, butter, mash.
It's quite mah fan. So it'd be more worth it to cook for a few people.
The sauce tastes like...sauce you can put with ikea meatballs type. (therefore nice!) And if you like mushrooms you should like the sauce la. I mean, after all, it's mushroom-y sauce! :/ (then jw goes, ya~)
Okay so are you going to try it? If not then maybe when you're back i can (try to) cook it and yesa you all can try.

I didn't post at the newsletter cos it's got a 200 character word limit!


ren is the dog at manic (http://manic.com.sg/), where i'm currently interning.
ren. is the greediest. dog. ever.

yes dawn i understand what you mean. you is quite the funny. honey bunches of oats!
aaron, i like blowing saliva bubbles too.
ha. okay actually, i don't. i just had to type that, you know.
i haven't blown saliva bubbles in years. then when you mentioned it, i tried. so erm, ya~
we can meet another day to dish. okay not really dish. but, whatever. see you soon.
dawn and i went to bunalun (http://www.bunalun.com/) today. i super like it. we bought banana chips. eh aaron go work there leh. haha.

okay chrispy creme, let's meet! saturday, perhaps? always look on the bright side of life


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