ah man. i'm posting pictures! i'm becoming like dawn! DON DONE! (dawn tan) hanging out with dawn too much oreadi :| haha. btw dawn is a nice girl.

come, i show you chin-chinz in a dress. haha.

it's a bit too big for me- they didn't have my size. but okay whatever cos it was expensive anyway and ah hui no wears dresses. but okay actually dresses are nice. but okay yes again, ah hui no wears dresses.

k can.

also. i got this notebook from jiaweiwei who's back from internship in Sweden!
i like! square paper! i mean, paper with squares! uh, yea!
and meimei likes it lots too! haha.

and dawn, roy and i found a nice little bookshop at far east plaza and ugh. i spent more money. haha. i've been spending quite a bit. it's bad, you know. :/ but it's okay too. i bought "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett too. cos everytime i see it i want to buy it to read but i don't so well. i did this time. yey. i also bought an english dictionary. hahaha. (these are examples of things that are rubbish yet not rubbish) : )


all that is within me Lord,
will bless your holy name : )


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