You know, each time we sin, it's like we are one of those people in the crowd who shouted, "Crucify Him! Crrucify Him!"- the crowd that chose to let Him be there on the cross. That is because when we sin, it is because we CHOOSE to sin.

Imagine the pain of Jesus. And imagine what you're doing to Him.



John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me, and I in Him,
he will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing."

That's why it's important to seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. How can we ever feel okay to seem okay and good on the outside, but yet be so far from God within? It's the inward before the outward. It's the heart before all else.

You know, I think it's scary to be running away from God. First God goes after you, wanting you to come back. But if you continue to turn away and not heed because you feel the short-term fulfils you more than the long-term of what God offers, then you start to harden– and I think the hardening of the heart is scary, cos that's when you start getting immune to things you shouldn't be immune to, you don't hear God any longer. And you don't hear Him calling You back any longer, and it's just.... I don't know. How do you turn away from a God who is so real. A God who offers so much more than what this world could ever give you. A God who created you. A God who loves you, even though you are undeserving.

Ravi Zacharias said something along these lines:
If A loves B, but B doesn't love A back, A is hurt because A has lost something.
But if God loves you, and you don't love Him back, God is hurt. Because YOU have lost something.

Yea. Don't run away from the truth any longer. Stay in God. The road is narrow and isn't the easiest to take. But God is faithful, and you are precious in His sight (Isaiah 43:1-6). Stand on the promises of God. And come, come let us return to the Lord.


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