God is good, all the time :) walking on water

hello today was a good day :)

after SA meeting at about 7.30 i went back to the studio and well, was in a quiet mood and ready to write. but write what, i don't know. so i just sat down and took out my pen and paper. but instead of writing just quite meaningless stuff, words just kept coming up and i was pretty amazed at all that was flowing out of my pen. and what initially was bored writing turned into praise and.. just a lot of joy, and a lot about God, and that was just. super. really. He made me really excited and just...i dunno. joyful and yea my pen flew. i wrote on the bus as well and i had to change my pen ink refill and.

i'd just like to tell you all that God is good, all the time :)

Walk on Water (CCC Youth)

I come, I stand before You
I bring an offering of praise
I believe as I stand before You
I receive the love that You gave

You make me walk on water
Shine in the dark
You make me soar over mountains
Put dreams in my heart
I walk by faith
And live in praise
And I thank You for your grace

I'm walking, walking on the water

Like how Peter walked on water. Okay he got distracted in the end and slipped, but hey. He dared to step out onto the water. He took the first step, he stepped out in faith :)

i wanna walk on water :)


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