supa excited! phil 1:6 :D

hello world! i've got something to share!

okay let's try be coherent. cos like, i'm just feeling reaaaally excited now! :)

i've stepped down as YM Worship team vice-chair. okay see, it was a really hard decision to make because i've been in the worship team since forever and i'm so attached to it and i love the team so very much and worship is something very close to my heart. but God did very clearly tell me to step down as vice-chair. and at first, it was a very painful decision to make :/ but sandy said to pray that it would be painless. and well, now, it actually is painless. i'm okay with not being in the worship team now (not officially out yet. i'm out from next quarter). and i feel free. as in, not free because the worship team held me down (definitely not!), but free because i know that by stepping down, i'm obeying God.

the reason why i stepped down is mainly to concentrate on ushering. there's loads that needs to and can be done. and God has put me there for a reason. and i haven't been doing enough for the longest time so now's the time! and i am so so sure of it.

um. okay. i forgot what i was going to type. erm. hm.

okay. i can't see what God has in store for me, in the long term. i don't know whether i'll return to the worship team. i don't know what area i'll be serving in. i don't know what, specifically, He wants, ultimately. but today i was writing in my diary, and all of a sudden, something just...popped into my mind (er. yea) and i got really excited! and tho i can't tell you what it is, basically, God is good! cos the something was smtg encouraging from God.

'being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." - phil 1:6

and i know that this is a season where i'm supposed to concentrate on other things (not worship) and God has a plan for me. and tho i don't know what it is, i can trust Him to... keep me in His good plans and well, look at the above verse :) i can't see where i'm going. but i know i'm headed the right direction. and it's okay that i can't see what's riiiight in front– just being brought to the next step, to the next step, to the next step, little by little, and each time seeing that God is doing smtg good and seeing that He never leaves me alone, has been enough for me to know to trust Him cos He knows what's best and cos He loves me.


i'm dreaming bigggg!!!

"where you lead, i will follow
anywhere that you tell me to"
- okay that's from Carole King and Louise Goffin from the Gilmore Girls. heh.

okay you (who is reading this) may find this weird but you know what! when you know verses and when you're thinking things and you can find a reference in the bible for a lot of things it's supercool la. :D haha. it's just very :) :) :) to know God and you know, GOD IS REAL. really. um. yea. :)

dear miss c.creme, this wasn't typed specially for you. but after i typed it, i realised kind of is specially for you, cos, you know :)

dudu, you're right. i get high on God. haha. no la. God gives joy. that's why today you so happy too. keep spreading the happiness! :D


btw, i went night cycling for the first time on friday night, and it was funnnnnn! cycled 10 hrs. well excluding the stops, we cycled um, 9 hours? yea. i'm going again! um. sometime.

i got a lot of work to do now!!!!!! therefore it would be a great idea to go start work now. kbye.


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