tongue twister stories.

(to be read out loud)


This is She.
She was looking for a job.
But, a job doing what?

A job selling pickled pepper, perhaps?

Nah. That was better for Peter Piper–
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.

A job shining shoes and socks?

Not so, for that was Susan’s job,
for Susan shineth shoes and socks,
shoes and socks shineth Susan.

Upset, She took a walk by the beach,
taking with her the muffins Mommy made her on Mondays.

Walking, she saw Esau on a seesaw, he saw she.

She saw a real rare wheel, and a real rear wheel.

Then she saw what surely were seashells on the seashore.
Hm. Could she do something with the seashells that she saw?

She started picking up the seashells scattered on the seashore,
placing them carefully in her brown basket.
What could she do with those seashells?
Surely she could sell the seashells she saw on the seashore!

So that was how She came to sell seashells on the seashore.


(inspired by ahmeimei)

She sells seashells by the seashore.
Then she met Peter Piper...

And now, she sells pickled pepper by the seashore,
while Peter Piper pipes beside her.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.


i hope you had fun (reading my nonsense).

did you like my muffin boy?

i'm not an illustrator. i'm a doodler.

up next (i think): muffin story, with visuals.


press on.


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