waited an hour for the bus. bah.

today after church after supper i waited for my 857 bus as usual. just that this time it didn't come. i waited for a whole hour. bah! from 10.55 to 12 midnight. i don't know why i waited for so long. but anyway. i suppose for the first 3/4 of that time i had a nice time sort of worshipping as my ipod was plugged in and i listened to the UNITED WE STAND album. i like "From The Inside Out", "Came To My Rescue" and "None but Jesus" a lot. then for the next 1/4 i was sort of worrying and whatever and it was too late to take the mrt anyway. so i took a cab home, and had a nice conversation with the very friendly driver. (he stays in yishun too! hur! hi meimei jiejie thankyou).

wah lau. a whole hour lehhhhhhhh. i felt quite silly waiting for so long. and i stood the whole time i waited. i don't know. i just usually stand when i wait for the bus.

hoi fong, as you wish, jellyfish. why your blog now password protected. then i can't read. ha. you don't want me to read is it. boohoo. but it's okay.

adree, feeeeeeling said with the hongkee accent ah. you got run or not. i ran leh. hurhur. thankew for liking what i wrote. i like that you like what i like. haha. i want chuangchun days again! : ) one day we go walk-walk k. when we is free-er. haha.

it must be blogging season again, judging from the amount i'm blogging ( -_-" ) if you've followed my blog for long enough, you'll know i generally either blog a lot for a period of time, or don't blog at all. so well, hello, now you've got more to read! and you don't have to tell me to update! yay! :/

leading on this blog is bad. leading=space between the lines (yay you learn smtg new today!) leading is pronounced not leading as in a leader leads, but lead as in pencil lead kind of lead.


To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus
All I ask, to be like Him
All through life's journey
From earth to glory
All I ask, to be like Him



dear everyone,
you are muchly loved.



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