I've never made drawn up a list of characteristics I'd like my future spouse to have
Okay people. Come, here's more stuff about... "The Christian View of Sex (this is just like....5% of the speech thingie) — Janet Smith (Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas) Let me speak for a moment about marriage preparation. I am not speaking here of the engagement encounter weekend, the talk with the pastor or the pre-Cana conference in which engaged couples participate. I am speaking about the kind of preparation which we must do for ourselves for many years before we enter marriage. Many young people enjoy the exercise of drawing up a list of characteristics they would like their future spouse to have. But their time would be better spent drawing up a list of characteristics which they themselves should have in order to be a worthy marriage partner. They need, too, to reflect upon their expectations of marriage; many may come to see that their expectations are largely selfish. Most of us dream much more about how happy our spouses are going to ma...