I've never made drawn up a list of characteristics I'd like my future spouse to have

Okay people. Come, here's more stuff about...

"The Christian View of Sex (this is just like....5% of the speech thingie)
— Janet Smith (Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas)

Let me speak for a moment about marriage preparation. I am not speaking here of the engagement encounter weekend, the talk with the pastor or the pre-Cana conference in which engaged couples participate. I am speaking about the kind of preparation which we must do for ourselves for many years before we enter marriage. Many young people enjoy the exercise of drawing up a list of characteristics they would like their future spouse to have. But their time would be better spent drawing up a list of characteristics which they themselves should have in order to be a worthy marriage partner. They need, too, to reflect upon their expectations of marriage; many may come to see that their expectations are largely selfish. Most of us dream much more about how happy our spouses are going to make us rather than about how much we are going to do for our spouses. "


I've never made drawn up a list of characteristics I'd like my future spouse to have :D pshaw. Never crossed my mind to do something like that. And sort of like...honestly I don't really care too much. Hokays. I don't know why but I don't think about things like that. Then sometimes people find it surprising that I've never thought about my "dream guy" sort of thing. But really, I don't see the point in it. I just know the guy has to be God-fearing. And everything else necessary will follow. And a partner isn't something I have to actively seek. I just...live my life as it is and grow in God, and trust God, and God will send someone along when appropriate, sort of thing. So, yea. This isn't something I give much thought.

And yes I agree. That if love is about giving. Then you know, spend time improving yourself so you'll be a good someone for your future spouse.

Okay. Just sharing a bit about myself :)


There is SO MUCH information on the web. Like, zzz. I can't be bothered to read EVERYthing. Not like I have the time to :/


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