Premarital sex stuff is just really... sad.

You know, reading stats and reports and stories about premarital sex stuff is just really... sad. What with people not caring about the consequences, having the "enjoy now, suffer later" mentality, looking for instant gratification, thinking sex is no big deal and just doing it for the thrill, with no strings attached (Btw, there's no such thing as no strings attached. Sex isn't just a physical act. It involves the emotions as well), and divorce being, often, an extension of premarital sex. It's just... sad!

(Stuff from Singapore Window)

• 46% of youth think it is okay to have sex before marriage.
• Teenage abortions are also on the rise, with 1698 abortions, or 13 percent of 2001's total being performed on women aged 20 and younger.
• 6 in 10 Singaporean men had multiple partners, compared to 4 in 10 women.
• Another survey had found that teenagers were also experimenting with sex at a younger age.
• Exposed to the Internet, Singapore’s young generation is entering what is – at least by the city’s own puritan standards – a sexual revolution.
• Out of seven bars, six told the Sunday Paper there was an increase in women and drinking, which often leads to a pick-up – and sex.

Like, huh?

Oh silly people, we need a change.
People need to see that they DO have a purpose, a future.

hello God.


But anyway. Happier things.
Like mac ads, if you haven't already discovered them. Macs goods ands simples! I likes! haha.


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