Thanksgiving (fyp)

I feel like blogging but I don't know what to blog. Actually, I want to watch Ugly Betty but I have to wait for Mingyao (that's my sister's boyfriend) to download it and pass it to us. Sister time watching Ugly Betty is nice. Actually, sibling time doing just about anything is nice. And hello Mingyao, thanksyous.

Okay I know what to blog about. Thanksgiving :)

I had one and a half hours of consultation with two lecturers today! That's long man! And there is so much more to do. And even my lecturers are saying that, hey, this topic is tough man. But anyway. I got my marks for my previous two presentations. And hey! They are average marks, but they're one of the higher ones in class. So. Thank God! Cos I didn't think I presented well. Like, not confident presentation and not much work to show. But hey! Apparently my lecturers thought different :D And well, I don't know how I did better than expected, but I know that God is good and faithful. Praise Him! He is worthy :)

"May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us."
–Psalm 90:17

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the Earth
to strengthen those who hearts are fully committed to Him."
–2 Chronicles 16:9

Yes, I've been shown a lot of favour, thank God.
And, it's great cos my tho-only-average-but-better-than-expected marks have been an encouragement.

And, thank you, to all who've been keeping me in your prayers.


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