Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him."
-Jeremiah 17:7 (NIV)

Where do you find your confidence?
How about your security? Is it in people, in money, in finding acceptance, in having to always be the "best", I don't know. We try to find security in many things, but we must remember that real security can only be found in God. Because God doesn't change, unlike all the other stuff. When you find security in God, when your confidence is in Him, then you'll have nothing to fear, you don't need to work so hard, try so hard, get upset so easily. Instead things will be okay. As long as you trust Him :)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight."
- Proverbs 3:5,6

(One of my favourite verses :) )

Today for company devotion, we were asked if we were satisfied with our lives now. I gave myself an eight out of ten. I'm pretty satisfied. Because I know I'm doing okay with God. And I'm glad to be able to say that God is my core. I remember my small group leader Joyce, sharing about maybe two years back about how our everything should be dependent on God, and not on other things because those things are not constant. True. Only God is never changing and always faithful. And He never fails. God is love. And love never fails. And I know God loves me very much. And He loves you very much too, whether you believe it or not. But it's true. The other two out of ten, you may ask? Well, I think it's because I'm not doing the best I can.


Ya Kun Kaya Toast.
A lot of butter ah.

Hallo spacks maybe I'll see you around Bishan again someday.
Happy holidays. Come and meet me! haha.

Double spacing after fullstops equal so wrong. But apparently that's what they teach you in journalism school and typewriting classes. Sorry but I'm going to say... eww. (Hello Aaron Khoo! 'Eww' reminds me of you- the way you say it. Haha) Hello fellow designers.


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