Does God want everything?

Does God want everything?

"He gives all.
He asks all.

One morning I was reading the story of Jesus' feeding of the five thousand. The disciples could find only five loaves of bread and two fishes. "Let me have them," said Jesus. He asked for all. He took them, said the blessing, and broke them before He gave them out. I remembered what a chapel speaker, Ruth Stull of Peru, had said: "If my life is broken when given to Jesus, i is because the pieces will feel a multitude, while a loaf will satisfy only a little lad.""

Taken from Elisabeth Elliot's "Passion and Purity".


Am at crossroads. Time to make many decisions. Time to be still.
I'm not very good at listening to God's voice, you know. Learning.

CCM. That's Christian Contemporary Music, on the radio. Check it out :)


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