God has foresight.

God has foresight.

I don't have much. But well, I thank God for a sensitive Spirit. Well, quite. Getting more sensitive as I obey more.
So it's quite okay to not have that much foresight.
As long as you can trust God. And obey Him.

And I thank God for truth.
That Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)
Because truth is so essential, especially so now in such a world.
Truth gives you freedom. It sets you free. Because with truth, you are free to be.
You can be real.

I think it's very hard to not be truthful.
Okay well it could be easy for some people but in the end the consequences = hard.
So, it's easier to be truthful, you know. Know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

And thank God I'm not very good at lying. I think.
It's good for me :/

And thank God He knows what's in our hearts.
Because I doubt any of us know ourselves 100% full well.

Create in me a pure heart, refresh my Spirit
That I may do Your will in all that I do
That I may be recognised when I see You
To all your questions, your seeking, He said
"The answer is clear. Know first Me and My Father,
Do this, my dear, draw near."

:) Good day.



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