Jesus is the perfect person.

Kathryn Scott

Hungry I come to You
For I know You satisfy
I am empty
But I know Your love does not run dry
So I wait for You
So I wait for You

Broken I run to You
For Your arms are open wide
I am weary but I know
Your touch restores my life
So I'll wait for You
So I'll wait for You

I'm falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart is living for


Today, thinking, I was thinking something about Jesus (er. not very proper english? anyway.) And it came to me that... Jesus is the perfect person.

I know that must sound very silly to some of you, because well, it's what we've been told, more than once. That Jesus was fully God, fully man, and He was the perfect person. The only perfect person in this world ever. But it was a fresh knowing, this time, when I just... realised it for myself. When I properly understood.

A lot of us so called" second generation Christians" (people with Christian parents) have a lot of head knowledge. Be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking that you really know a lot about Christ and all. It's so easy to gain head knowledge- just read and listen. But. You only truly know Him when that head knowledge becomes HEART knowledge :) Hey, I don't understand and fully know a lot of things as well. Like the cross. Okay the cross is basic. It's like, fundamental, in the Christian faith. I'll say that I'm still on the journey of really discovering and truly knowing how much it cost, for Him to be on that cross, and that so much grace God gives to us. Well, Christianity is a journey. It is a relationship. In that relationship (with God), you journey on, progressing, discovering more, falling more in love with Jesus as you get to know Him better and realise how wonderful He is, how worthy to be praised He is.

It is amazing.

And with God, bad times don't see as bad. Or well, you may still be sad or mad (ha. ha! it. rhymes! -_-), but it's okay. Because you know that despite all the badness, God is there, and He makes all things new, and you can trust Him for greater things. That's why I said God is like the perfect person. So personal, intimate with you, like your best friend, also like your Father, but more than the non-perfect human, you can trust Him at all times for all things and you know that He will never ever let you down.

Some of you may think, but why is life like that? If there's a God, why is my life in shambles? Why does God allow this to happen to me? Does He not know I exist? Does He not love me enough? Well. I don't know. I don't have an answer that will answer your exact question. I can only say that you've got to learn to trust God. If you haven't already accepted God, then I suppose you don't really get what I mean. Hm. Um. I think you've got to get to know God first. Then slowly you see what He's like, and how you can trust Him. It gives you more hope for the future. I can only share from my own experience, and well, I share because hey, share the good stuff. haha. And yea, He cares for you. Like he cares for me. I'm "just another person". But I'm also not "just another person". It's like how they say everybody being special makes no one special. haha. But everybody still is special! In their own unique way! I'm an individual, and God loves me for who I am- He made me this way. And He sees me. And He's got good plans for me. And. ah. Many things.

With God, life is easier, life is better, life is good (even when it's bad, it's still..good. haha. really)


It's All About Jesus
Planet Shakers

It's all about Jesus
It's all about the way he changed our lives
It's all about Jesus
The power of his blood can't be denied
It's all about Jesus
It's all about the convenant he made
It's all about Jesus
Victorious he rose up from the grave

It's all about Jesus
It's all about the way he set us free
It's all about Jesus
Bearing all our sins at Calvary
It's all about Jesus
It's all about the gift of love he gave
It's all about Jesus
The precious lamb of God was slain

We lift our hearts to him
He is the reason that we sing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We praise your name


Okay I'm aware that people whom I don't know read this blog, read this blog too. That's okay! And feel free to talk to me about anything I post about. It's okay if you want to argue with me on whether what I post seems right to you or not :) Or anything else too :)

And. I know my posts can sometimes be so terribly long. But don't be too lazy to read okay? :)

And. Ditcha notice did you notice?! I changed my leading! It should be easier to read now! ah. haha. Don't know what I'm talking about? Leading (not leader-leading, but like, but like, pencil lead, sort of pronounciation) is line spacing. The space between the lines. I increased that. Um. yaar.


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