Free compliments- a breath of fresh air, THOS, Passion

In our Asian culture where praise is rare, people who compliment freely are like a breath of fresh air. Yes the compliment feels good, but I think the person who gave the compliment is.....well, being able to give compliments freely shows something about a person too :)

Compliment freely! But of course, sincerely, genuinely please. Complimenting people can make you feel happy too you know! Cos you made someone feel good so you feel good too. But of course your intention is not for yourself to feel good la -_- It's kind of...liberating. haha. In a way :)


I miss foto taking! B&W. Phume/Fleem/Flem (varying wrong pronounciations of "film").

Methinks me needs to pluck wisdom tooths. Argh. Pfft. haha. ohwelllllllllzzzz.

hallo spacie, nice lunching :)

hallo pearlywhirly, I saw the fotos :D


The lyrics I posted yesterday-

Jesus, all my fears they fade away
When I see You, when I see You

To note: When you fix your eyes on Jesus, the fears fade away, because you know that Jesus is bigger than those fears. So for the moment, you're okay. But for the fear to really go away, you need to surrender. Yes, surrender. Only when you surrender it to God, then will the fear really go away proper. But anyway yes, fix your eyes on Jesus, the Alpha and Omega (beginning and the end), the One above all things, and the author and finisher of your faith.


Attended a The Heart of Success workshop, based on Rob Parson's bestseller by the same name, presented by Focus on the Family. There are seven points, and here are the first three, in brief.

1. Don't be money-rich, time-poor
What really matters? People, relationships. Your family. So spend time with them. Don't be like "the new poor"- those who actually are doing fine, but well, what they have is never enough. Be content. There is a difference between needs and wants.

2. Believe that what you do makes a difference
Pretty self-explanatory. Purpose. Knowing that doing what you do makes a difference, helps. You'll be happier doing what you do cos it's not meaningless. (Same with life, actually. Live life with purpose.)

3. Your X-Factor
Your gifts, your strengths, your passion. That sort of thing. Do you mostly do what you're best at?


What is your passion?

Interesting that this was mentioned today because I was just thinking about it yesterday. About how it is amazing that we all have different passions. How one can have passion for biology, another for literature. One for women, one for men. One for adults, one for youths, one for animals, another for the environment...stuff like that. How come we all have different passions? Pretty cool huh. haha. Those passions were placed in us :) We were given abilities to be able to contribute to what we're passionate about in practical ways, and it's the heart, the passion, that drives us to do it.

Am I making sense here? haha.

Well, what's your passion?


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