I have another nice desktop! ah. ha. ha. I copied it off somewhere so I claim no credit for it. I just traced the image and changed the proportions so it'd fit my desktop nicely. Yesterday I blogged, asking what purity is. Hm. I uh, am not very hardworking so I'm not going to type a whole long chunk. But here is something I got off somewhere else. Perfect Timing by Tim Stafford from the book Worth The Wait There’s a right way and a wrong way to get something done. A lot of it has to do with timing. If you go off the high dive with your timing slightly off, you’ll still end up in the water. But, you won’t get there with maximum smoothness and beauty. There’s an inherent rightness in waiting for the wedding day. It’s the rightness of timing. You go all the way with your body on that special day when you go all the way with your mind and with your heart. You say “I do” and full freedom of the dream begins. It’s not the only way to get into the dream, but it’s the surest, the smoo...