God has never found me trivial or insignificant

Was browsing through some old diaries. (If you don't already know, I write a lot. I journal.)
You know what? God has never found me trivial or insignificant- I can tell Him anything and everything.


Hello Abi, we shall be HI forever. haha. Just that you have the harder job cos you're the H. Sorry :/


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To remember to buy a small bottle of bubble soap.

I still remember. Siew and Mei bought me a set of bubble blower thingies when I was in primary school, in a brown box with a bambi sticker and neon green and orange patterns drawn on with fabric paint. I still have it. And I still have the bubble blower (and fishing toy) from Sham, Dawn, Roy and Cheek. omg. So recent. But I've lost all the bubble bottles. Somehow. Used to leave one in school (TP). Therapeutic. To blow bubbles, I mean. Not leaving the bottle there.


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