Sydney, 29 June - 9 July 2007, Hillsong Conference

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Sydney, 29 June - 9 July 2007
(Figure out which phrase matches which picture yourself :D
Not all pictures have captions. Some are collective.)
The train station which kind of looked like the station in London,
Abi, Hui and Patty at YHA hostel where the bunch of us stayed- was cosy,
Our saviour from the cold- the heater,
My usual shot of my shoes with the ground,
Ma and pumpkin soup which I am not too keen on,
Burgerlicious and nachos with much topping,
Jeremy in the train reading Time or Newsweek,
Darling Habour,
Sydney Fish Market which other than fresh seafood, has got lovely signboards,
Only Chinhui takes pictures of tiles geez haha,
Hillsong conference, which was the main part of everything. Truly, excellence inspires. Everything was so good. Learnt much. One thing I realised was how some people serve (in church/wherever) so much that it becomes routine and no longer a sacrifice. 2 Sam 24:24 "I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing."
Patty, Abi and Hui have fun with hats,
Krispy Kreme really is yummy- so sweet!
I like the mix of old and new in Sydney.
Also, many Pods (snickers is the best). I have about 50 Hillsong conference 08 brochures. Awesome (not neat). Also, I had to have Gloria Jeans' Hot Chocolate so I finally had one on my last day there. And it was good.
People- Abi, Jon, Charis, Eugene, Jeremy, Dawn, Denise, Zhou, Deborah, Mum, Patty, Bevan, myself.
And it was good.
(And I might be in Australia for the next 3 years. omg)