He's Hot, She's Hot: What to look for in the opposite sex

Time for a book review.

He's Hot, She's Hot: What to look for in the opposite sex
Jeramy and Jerusha Clark

H.O.T. stands for Holy (walking with God), Outrageous (shines inside out. Full of life — not necessarily meaning a loud person) and Trustworthy (reliable, faithful, with integrity, authentic, honest). The book teaches about the way we talk and walk, not compromising standards, and how one should concentrate on developing as an individual first, instead of being constantly on the lookout for a date/mate. "Marriage is not so much finding the right person as it is being the right person."

There also is a section for guys and a section for girls, by Jeramy and Jerusha respectively, to cater to the differences in each. Men are taught to stand up for righteousness, to lead the way, and to be kind and humble. Women are taught to value their worth and be comfortable with their womanhood, embracing feminineness.

Highlighted, is also the importance of guarding one's heart. This is done through having an appropriate level of communication for each stage of a relationship (strangers/friendship/couples/married couples). The Clarks also emphasise the importance and benefits of patience, waiting for God's best timing.

A practical, easy to read book with real-life examples which shows you that you are not alone in what you experience, and that being H.O.T. is possible!

The book ends with this story:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who adored jewelery. She loved playing dress-up with her own fake gems. And she loved going with her parents to the mall to gaze at the real stones glittering in the shop windows.

During one such trip, they passed by a discount store, and the little girl spotted a pearl necklace in the window. The white beads seemed to glod. Next to the nexklace, she noted the price tag. It read $4.99.

She received only a quarter for her weekly allowance. It would take her over five months to save for that precious necklance. Determined, she waited and carefully put each of her quarters in her piggy bank. Every time her parents went to the mall, she begged to go along so she could make sure the necklace hadn't been sold.

When she finally saved enough to pay for the necklace, her father took her back to the dicsount store. To her delight, the pearls were still waiting. She proudly walked into the store, emergin minutes leater with a small velvet pouch. "I did it, Daddy!" she exclaimed.

That night, as her father tucked her into bed, he asked, "Honey, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you," his daughter replied.

"Do you love me enough to give me your pearl necklace?" her father questioned.

Horrified, she burst into tears. "Daddy, I love you, but I can't give you mt pearl necklace." Her father leaned down, kissed her, and told her it was okay.

Each night for a week, the father and daughter had the same conversation. Each night, after her tearful reaction, her father kissed her just the same. Finally, on Sunday night, the father hear her crying sometime after he had tucked her ini.

He opened the door to her bedroom and sat down on the bed. "Daddy." she sighed through her tears, "I love you. You can have my pearl necklace."

She pulled the small velvet pouch from under the pillow, placing it in her father's hands. Now it was his eyes that filled with tears as he hugged her tightly. He thanked her and walked out of the room.

The next morning, when the little girl awoke, she felt something under her pillow. Almost forgetting that she'd given away her precious necklace, she reached for the velvet pouch. But her hand grasped something sturdier.

She pulled out a small blue box and placed it in her lap. Slowly she openied it and gasped with surprise. Inside was a genuine pearl necklace. On the clasp, an inscription read, "Daddy Loves You."

Sometimes we have to give up something that we cherish in order for God to bless us with the best. We may have to sacrifice going on a date to wait for someone who's truly God's best. We might have to relinquish our "right" to a relationship with someone who isn't right for us.

Unless we know and trust that God loves us, that He has our best in mind, and that He can do far better for us that we can do for ourselves, we can never give our dreams entirely to Him.

He can and will bless you for sacrificing and waiting patiently. Trust in Him, and you'll never have any need to settle. Let go of your fake pearls... so that God might give you the real thing.


When You can't see His hand, trust His heart.


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