If that's the person He sees in me, that's the person I'll be

Here are two stories from a sermon by Benny Ho. His sermon was on a different topic which I didn't really listen to. But here are the two stories, and my thoughts (for you to think about).


A true story told from the South-Pacific islands. In that land, it is customary for men to trade their cows for their wives. That means if you want to marry a person, you've got to give them some cows in exchange for their daughter's hand in marriage.

If the girl looks very simple, she might just get one cow. If the girl is pretty, she might get two cows. If you're really pretty, you can get up to four cows.

There was this girl in the village who looked really really plain and so simple that her father, of course, was expecting a maximum of one cow for his daughter - can get one cow, happy already.

But the day came when a rich businessman came and offered eight cows for her hand. And everybody was shocked. They thought this businessman was out of his mind!

But something amazing happened. After he offered the eight cows, took the girl home, interestingly, not long after, the simple looking girl became more and more radiant, more and more beautiful. And after some months, she ended up becoming the most gracious, the most beautiful girl in the land.

You know why? Because she started to think of herself as an eight-cow girl, so she became one!

Because you treat her as one, she becomes one.


There was a beggar sitting outside the artists' shop, begging. The artist got sudden inspiration, took out a canvas, and started painting the beggar. Then he called the beggar over when he was almost finished and asked, "Can you recognise this guy?"

The beggar looked into the canvas and said, "I can't." because the artist had painted him in a suit and tie looking all smart and good. The artist asked him to look carefully. After some time, it suddenly dawned on the beggar that it was him! Could it really be him? Was it really him?!

The artist turned to the man, saying, "That's the man I see in you." And the beggar replied, "If that's the man you see in me, that's the man I'll be."


How you view a person, how you treat a person, can change the person.


"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalm 139:13,14

We are precious. The American Oxford Dictionary defines 'precious' as something of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. It is used as a term of address to a beloved person. Costly. Expensive. Invaluable. Priceless. Cherished. Special. Treasured. Prized. Dearest. Adored. Loved.

He holds us in high esteem - more precious than Himself, choosing to give us His son, because He saw in us that much worth. He found me worth it. Do I find Him worth me (giving myself to Him)?

If that's the person He sees in me, that's the person I'll be.


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