my ideas i see on the streets

Looks familiar? Looks like the Sony Ericsson ads out there right? I did the above about two years ago. Okay I know it doesn't look as nice as the Sony one but that's not the point. It's the same koncept.

And there was a Singtel ad on MRT trains where they had an afro (among other stuff) stuck on the window so when a person sat on the seat in front of the window, it looked like he/she had an afro. And guess what? I did that for my VSCProject1 more than two years ago. For some class project where I was promoting a salon. But well, the Singtel execution was bad :/ And I used the tagline "Have it my way" and then BK came back with that tagline. Then I realised that oops, it couldn't have been original for me to use it cos I must have heard it somewhere before, if BK used to use it. But anyway.

Shucks. Should have proposed my ideas to Sony and Singtel first. ha. ha.

And my FYP? When I wanted to use being true as my main focus, it got shot down. But now, look at this The Truth Project. Should have stuck to my idea and not cared what my lecturers thought. Because I ended up not being proud of my final work. Would have been better if I stuck to the being true concept. Argh. Boo to lecturers who stick to their own ideas and want their ideas done for our projects :( I've learnt my lesson! Follow your heart! ^_- cos when you do what you believe in and what you like, you do it better, and you most probably will score better than if you had followed your teacher's idea - the idea you didn't quite believe in and had no drive to do. Ohwells. I don't think you really know what I'm talking about cos I'm not explaining my concept and what my project was all about. haha. Maybe you'll see it in the streets one day. ha. I'm going to do something something SOMETHING!


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