Only-think-about-self people.

Straits Times Forum, Online letter

Commuters lost balance when train braked suddenly

I was onboard the MRT train travelling towards Raffles Place from Yishun MRT Station on Aug 22.
The whole journey seemed to be smooth. However, when the train was approaching Raffles MRT station, it braked suddenly, causing some commuters to lose their balance and some others fall.

Did the controller of this MRT Carriage 2217 know how dangerous it was to the commuters?

Due to this incident, I sprained my leg and had to seek my own medical treatment.

All these incidents could be prevented if the controller of the MRT trains is alert and exercises caution when approaching the station.

Best sia. So you think the train driver likes to anyhow brake for fun so you all will have many many shocks while on a train ride is it. -_-" I think it just goes to show how selfish people are, thinking about themselves only. geeee.

So someone, whom I think the write would click well with, comments in this way:
has anyone realised the trains tend to stop between stations during peak hours, probably due to proximity to the train in front. sometimes the train comes to an abrupt stop. but what is worse is, it appears to be stopping yet just before it does, the train accelerates again, throwing people off balance. this is very dangerous actually..

This other person who commented would make good friends with me, I believe:
I agree that the consequences are often worse, when a SBS bus has to brake suddenly. There are too many metal bars & sharp edges inside a bus, & commuters can easily get injured & bleed from falling suddenly against these objects.

Bus captains do not deliberately brake suddenly & without warning. They often do so to avoid cars & especially motorcyclists & taxis cutting into their lanes.

While most passengers onboard buses hold on tightly to the handrails & poles, many commuters on the MRT seem to have the notion that trains do not have to brake , & merely slow down when approaching stations.

My friend said ST only published the letter (online)... to make a joke out of him.
I guess it wasn't good enough to go on print!
I don't sound nice. Sorry. But srsly. Geez. haha.



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