On the right track

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting."
- Psalm 139:23-24

Ask Him to search you. See if there's anything in you to be surrendered, or used.
Don't you want to get out of being stagnant? Don't you want to go higher?
He will bring you to a whole 'nother level man.

(Hillsong conference people - think Ed Young! Think whole 'nother level with hand actions!)


Thank you Jesus, for Your love to me
Thank you Jesus, for Your grace so free
I lift my voice to praise Your name
Praise You again and again
You are everything
You are my all


Was writing in my diary - 30th August 07 - wow. End August already! The start of the year didn't seem too long ago. I guess that must mean I'm enjoying myself, because they say that time passes more quickly when you're enjoying yourself.

I have learnt that as you find out what you're supposed to do, things get easier. As I have been finding out what I'm good at and what God wants me to do, things get easier, and more exciting. It's easier because you're able to accomplish more in less time and with less energy and effort because you're doing what you're naturally good at. It's exciting because... well it's exciting when things form and happen more smoothly and you seem to suddenly be more super than before (in a way) cos you're doing more with less, and finding out all these things about yourself! And well, we're all on the road to self-discovery, yes? (I find it true that as you get older you are more confident. Not just because you've been through more, but because you know yourself better, and you have learnt to embrace yourself for who you have been created to be.)

Christian or not Christian, whether you believe in a God or not, I'm sure you all want to find some purpose in your life. Find out what you're good at! Find out what the gifts and abilities you've been given are. It's the practical part of finding out what you've been placed on this earth for. There's a reason for everything. There's a reason for you being here - nothing is for nothing.

I don't mean everything's easy and smooth. But everything's good. Not "good" as in perfect, but good because I know I'm on the right track. It's all peaceful :)


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