Sacrifice / Self-control

Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot

(Elisabeth Elliot gives the example of David’s men who risked their lives to pass through the Philistines’ lines to get water for him. He then poured the water out on the ground, refusing to drink the water which his men risked their lives for.)

God gives us material for sacrifice. Sometimes the sacrifice makes little sense to others, but when offered to Him is always accepted. What was the “point” in God’s asking Abraham for the sacrifice of his beloved son, Isaac? The story has often been attacked as “pagan” and has been grossly misunderstood. Our offerings to Him may very likely be seen as senseless or even fanatical, but He receives them. Jesus received the precious ointment from the worshiping woman, although those present thought it was a foolish waste.

The loneliness itself is material for sacrifice. The very longings themselves can be offered to Him who understands perfectly. The transformation into something He can use for the good of others takes place only when the offerings is put in His hands. What will He do with these offerings? Never mind. He knows what to do.


Same goes with anything else. It's not just loneliness that can be given to God. You can also give God your anger, your sadness, your pain, your knowing injustice, your anything. And what will He do with them all? Never mind. He knows what to do. Trust Him.


Today, I almost went *beep* aka bad word (to myself, not to others). And it took so much self-control to say, "I will not give the devil satisfaction", and not say the *beep*.

Yea. Don't give the devil satisfaction.

As with the lyrics at the top of this page by Jeremy Riddle,

May Your voice be louder
May Your voice be clearer
Than all the others


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