I'm glad I went for YMLC this year. The weekend went by in a flash. My group was great, and it was a nice balance spending time with new friends in my group (as well as making new friends from other churches), and with old friends from Wesley. I admit that initially, I had a bad attitude - wasn't excited about going. Was just "oh okay. Go lor." But I'm glad that I decided a change in attitude was essential for altitude. So yes, I had a good time, thank God.


Have got a new computer screen at home which is nice and big!

Have changed the leading (again) so this is easier to read!


Today, devotion was about the interesting topic of sexual temptation. A friend was sharing about how her husband and herself set ground rules in their marriage. Stuff such as avoiding as best as they can, riding in a car or going out with one of the opposite sex, alone. If they do, it must be informed (meaning they tell someone else/spouse and it's not a "hush-hush" thing).

So I was glad to know that even if it may seem weird and rigid to other people, it is completely normal and actually, quite essential.

We may wonder - why go to such an extent? After all, it's just lunch! Just once in a while! Nothing's going to happen! But see, it all starts from the small things. It's about fleeing from temptation. Not giving chances to the devil to even plant anything. Not letting there be any potential in a situation.


And one more thing I learnt, about lies. When we talk about lying, we usually think about eg, I eat the cookie but I tell you I didn't eat it - a outright duh obvious lie.

But there is also the kind of lie which isn't so obvious, and which we aren't so sure about. That's the kind of lies by the devil. Let me give you a few examples.

1. When we say, "I cannot do it!" we are lying. That is because the Bible (God's Word) says that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

2. When your dad or mum says, "You're hopeless, a lost case! You've got no future! There is no use for you!" and you believe them, you're believing a lie. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans for you - good plans that will not harm you, but give you hope and a future.

3. When everything seems to be going downhill and you can't make sense of anything and you feel you're too lousy and unworthy, and God has left you - that's a lie too. Cos God is always with you (check out the Bible for His many promises. He says you are precious in His sight.) and He says that all things work for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

God's word is true. He is the truth. Believe Him. Trust in Him. Don't let go. Don't let those lies get you. Know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).


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