Parenting, Passion and Purity, Shimmery sea creatures

I attended a course, Engaging Youths Through their Culture and there were two main thoughts in my mind. 1) I am still very much a teenager. 2) Every parent should be attending this! Srsly. Because well, parenting is not an easy job. And parenting teenagers is defintely not easy. And only if more parents understood all these things about teenagers.

My parents did a pretty good job :D

There's a verse somewhere in the Bible which says something about parents being the pride of their children. When I first read that I had to re-read it to make sure they didn't mean the other way round. Then I realised that yes it's true - that while children are the pride of their parents, parents are the pride of their children too. Cos see if children are well brought up, they can be proud that they had super parents (super in many ways).


Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot

God knew that giving me Jim when I wanted him would not provide the far more important training I needed for things to come. It was in learning to eat that Living bread, sufficient always for one day at a time (not in advance for the five years I feared) that I was taught and disciplined and prepared for later things...

I had much to learn. Jesus was saying to me what He said to His disciples: “There is still much I could say to you, but the burden would be too great for you now.


Thoughts from Quiet Time. I've learnt that writing isn't just about writing in my journal and closing the book and that's that. I have to sit there for a while and wait for a word. Then something fresh comes :)

How do I depend on You, Lord?
Rest in me.
How do I rest in You, Lord?
Be still.
How do I be still, Lord?
Be still, and know that I am Lord.

So it's not just be still AND THEN you'll know that He is Lord.
It is also - Be still and know that He is Lord. Because when you know that He is Lord, you can rest assured that He is above all things, and it's all going to be fine. You know you can depend on Him. You know it's all going to be okay. Because He is Lord.


They have shimmery sea creatures for the aquarium now. So exciting. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaH.



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