Passion and Purity

Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot

By the grace of God we have not been left to ourselves in the matter of who is to do the initiating. Adam needed a helper. God fashioned one to the specifications of his need and brought her to him. It was Adam’s job to husband her, that is, he was responsible – to care for, protect, provide for, and cherish her.

Males, as the physical design alone would show, are made to be initiators. Females are made to be receptors, responders. It was not arbitrarily that God called Himself Israel’s bridegroom and Israel His Bride, not Christ the Head and the Church the Body and the Bride. He woos us, calls us, wins us, gives us His name, shares with us His destiny, takes responsibility for us, loves us with a love stronger than death.

The spiritual paradigm defines the relationship of men and women, specifically that of husbands and wives, since that is the central human union. The symbols matter enormously. They matter enormously, because they represent the relative positions of Christ and the Church.


You know hor, when you borrow books ah, you must NOT return them looking like they aged 5 years and are now with spots, and you absolutely must NOT fold the corners of the pages. It is not nice. It is not nice to do such things that do not belong to you (including library books). It is not nice to do that especially to books whose owners are anal about things like that. :(

Thank you.


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