Passion n Purity

Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot
(Paragraphs not linked. As in, they're not all from one chunk. They are different parts of the book.)

My father counseled his four sons never to say “I love you” to a woman until they were ready to follow immediately with “Will you marry me?” Nor should they think of saying “Will you marry me?” unless they had first said “I love you.” How much pain and confusion would be averted if men followed that rule...

Let’s be candid with ourselves and before God. Call a spade a spade or even a muddy shovel. If your passions are aroused, say so – to yourself and to God, not to the object of your passion. Then turn the reins over to God. Bring your will to Him. Will to obey Him, ask for His help. He will not do the obeying for you, but He will help you. Don’t ask me how. He knows how. You’ll see...

Resist the temptation to trifle with other people’s feelings. It may be fun to “play the fish,” like a trout on a fly line, but it is cruel, it is dishonest, and it is dangerous...

What do men look for? “Femininity. Affirmation. Encouragement. Tenderness. Sensitivity. Vulnerability. Secure in the Lord. Content. Can handle adversity. Quietly courageous...” “A woman’s beauty should reside, according to the Apostle Peter, in the inmost center of her being, an “…imperishable ornament, a gentle, quiet spirit, which is of high value in the sight of God.” (1 Peter 3:4)


I had my first gym experience today. Went with Siew. Quite fun, actually. And I feel quite nua now.

I am going to become a professional gift-wrapper. ah ha ha.

Wesley Youth Ministry Camp registration opens this week! ALL youths are welcome!
On 13 - 16 December 2007 (Thu - Sun)
At Singapore Sports School
For Early bird aka Rooster at $70 (till 21st Oct) /
Late bird aka Owl (but not a wise one) at $80 (till 4 Nov).
Email me if you need more details.

I met my YMLC group again. Like wow. Don't we rock? :D


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