Wisdom teeth, Boasting in the Lord, Conviction:Randomness

Today, I present randomness (what's new).


I am going to get the stitches in my mouth removed! (Extracted a wisdom tooth earlier.) I can eat anything you know. Just that I have to eat slowly. Not bad right - my friend ate porridge for a week. I've been eating grapes - instead of popping them in, I stuff them in my mouth. Since I can't open my mouth wide enough.


I have a Paul Frank theme for my phone!

Oh yea, it's a new phone!

But it has a lousy 18MB! So I am going to get a memory card for it.

But anyway. It is a nice phone.


Mac people hurry call me I want my mac back from the hospeetaal.

I like my mac a lot.

I know you like yours too!


Today, someone I respect told me (in a positive way) that I am who I am because of Christ in me. And I blog this, to boast in Christ. Because I am what I am, only because of His grace. And I am very thankful to God, most honestly. Sometimes when I say these “God things”, I feel like I’m being too spiritual or whatever. But the fact is, this is the truth. And I cannot be ashamed of the truth.


A quote from Professor Thio Li-Ann’s article in The Straits Times today, “What should we not tolerate? “Tolerance” must not become the refuge of a person without convictions.”

I want to live a life of conviction. For everything I say or do, I have a reason behind it. I am convicted.

On a side note – Prof Thio Li-Ann writes beautifully. Really. But sometimes too chim-ly for me. Haha. I read, “Life beyond the ivory tower requires greater epidermal intensity” and went, er, huh? Haha. I should make effort to improve my English!


Let me tell you a bit about myself.

When I smile at a friend and the friend smiles back, that's nice.

When I smile at a stranger and the stranger gives a genuine smile back, I am surprised.

When I smile at a stranger and the stranger doesn't smile back, I smile even wider after passing the person. Somehow, it just amuses me.

See, I'm weird. Yay.



In Exodus, it is recorded that Moses fled out of fear after killing an Egyptian. However, Hebrews 11:27 records "By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible".

God's perspective is different from man's. He knows us better than we know ourselves - which is weird, yet comforting and assuring, because sometimes I feel I don't know myself all that well. So thank God for that.


Kthxbai is like a fullstop kthxbai


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