Bookshelf, passion and purity

Neat - that bookshelf. I'd like my room to be like that.
Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot
“”Keep your distance,” I say to women. Recognize that fundamental anomaly of human nature, that we prize what we cannot easily get. We take for granted, we even come to despise, that which costs us no effort. The bicycle given for Christmas will not be prized like the bicycle bought with the money earned by delivering newspapers for two or three years. …
If there is one reason why sex has become dull and a bore, it is that it is commonplace. It’s available anywhere, everywhere, to everybody who is looking for it. Nothing is kept in reserve. No pleasures are saved for the wedding night, let alone for the bride and bridegroom exclusively.”
But of course, I like my present room too. It also has a lot of books. And I just bought more books today!