
Being tired is such a dangerous thing because when I'm tired, I get irritable and find fault easily with anyone and anything. I become this rude, impatient ugly creature with a black face among others who need to tread carefully lest I burst. Which is one reason why we are to be well-rested, for it is easier to be Christ-like when you have had enough rest.

After Elijah defeated Jezebel at the great showdown (read 1 Kings 18 - 19), he got a bit depressed. It could have been because he was exhausted, after having gone through that big calling down of fire and out-running the chariot Ahab was on. So the first thing he did was rest. Then he ate - very practical things. Our God is a very practical God.

So sometimes when you're tired, weary, angry, just go get a good rest.


I wanna go for Hillsong Colour Conference! But the dates are kinda inconvenient.

Taka basement has this little store which I like a lot. It has nice quaint boxes.


Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot

Jim Elliot writes, “We have planted (in our integrity) the banner of our trust in God. The consequences are His responsibility.”


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