Christmas 2007
I believe the anointing will come at a younger and younger age. As maturity comes at a younger age, so will spiritual maturity. And we really will see the young people moving for Jesus.
Wesley YM Camp this year was unlike others. I wish I spent more time with my group, but ohwells. YM is just brimming with so much potential and goodness. It's so very awesome to see youths being transformed (YM - youths transformed for Christ!). We know God is doing something good.
Times like these - reminds me how truly rich I am. Mei cooked a fantastic dinner (haven't had such a sumptuous home-cooked dinner in a while), Siew did the spaghetti. The above picture doesn't do the meal justice. But moving on - we all Skyped with Ee and Mark who are over in Albany, while we opened presents together. Much fun and laughter and the usual nonsensing. Great being able to be our silly selves with each other - now that's family.
Well, it's nearing the end of year 2007. Time passes more quickly as you grow older. Maybe because of greater responsibilities - we get busier, and often forget to pause. So time just whizzes by. Well, a good year for me. 2007 was mainly my Final Year Project and working at Focus on the Family Singapore, among some other bits and pieces here and there.
What has God taught me this year?
1. Patience in waiting for His best. Just trust - the best will come.
2. Being obedient. Not to rationalise. But be obedient. Ruthlessly obedient, as John Ortberg puts it.
3. That it's better to concentrate on less and doing it well, rather than trying to juggles too many things because when I do so, I don't have much time to build relationships though I like doing that. So yeaps - I need to focus so I can give my wholehearted devotion to whatever I commit to. In doing things, sometimes I don't know whether I am doing it with God's strength, or my own strength.
4. Maybe I'm learning how God's grace is enough. There are times where I just realise how I really am nothing and can't do anything without Him. But there are also times where I've been stressed and tired and therefore easily irritable - i wonder if I'm doing it for God or just for the sake of it.
I wrote more in my journal. But not all things are meant to be blogged :)
About 45 more days till Australia.