Behind/Before the cross + +
I bought stationery today. Again :D Even though I really don't need stationery. And. Qantas is offering about $600 for air tickets to Melbourne! Like, awesome canz. AHHH! ah.
I spent some time looking at some of the many cookbooks at home. But the stuff are all so hard to cook! So many steps and so many ingredients. In other words, I am lazy. :P Hi would you like to recommend me a good website where I can find simple recipes, or share some of your own recipes with me? haha.
Good company today, I had. Met Mag for breakfast at Good Morning Nanyang Cafe at Chinatown point - good company, good food, good ambience.
Lunch with the two people in the picture below. I think Yoshinoya is boring but it's okay ha ha. Sorry I didn't bother to resize the picture but see now, people can download the picture and put as wallpaper cos you so handsum ah and Ms Tan everything also new hor - new specs, new dress, new cardi, new bag, new shoes - top to toe sia. On the train home we saw such interesting ads by the Police (or rather, their advertising agency) in their attempt to prevent youth crime - I just had to tell Patty about it. Up till now, I think out of all government thingies, the Navy most probably has the best print ads.
Ms Loh Chin Siew aka my sister had dinner with me. We ate at home - campbell's mushroom cream sauce with ham over our linguini pasta. Plus more mushroom, fried in teriyaki sauce.
Okay why am I telling people what I ate today.

The picture of a cross in my mind. Since there's this saying, "Hide me behind the cross," instead of looking from the front, I imagine myself behind the cross this time.
From that perspective, I see the ugly faces of men, mocking and boo-ing Jesus. I see them throw rock and stone at the cross, towards this direction. They hit him. And I am behind, sheltered by the cross.
He just gets pelted.
Would I be able to get up and stand before the cross (and my Jesus) to defend it? To be the one pelted at instead? Ah. That is what it means to be crucified. Dare I take a stand? To "protect" my Jesus? His image is being torn... will I allow my image to be the one destroyed (such that I care not for myself) so His image will not be tarnished?
The question here is - do I dare come out from hiding, to say that I love Jesus - I esteem Him better than myself - so I will be bold, and come forward to defend Him?
You say to be of good courage.
I spent some time looking at some of the many cookbooks at home. But the stuff are all so hard to cook! So many steps and so many ingredients. In other words, I am lazy. :P Hi would you like to recommend me a good website where I can find simple recipes, or share some of your own recipes with me? haha.
Good company today, I had. Met Mag for breakfast at Good Morning Nanyang Cafe at Chinatown point - good company, good food, good ambience.
Lunch with the two people in the picture below. I think Yoshinoya is boring but it's okay ha ha. Sorry I didn't bother to resize the picture but see now, people can download the picture and put as wallpaper cos you so handsum ah and Ms Tan everything also new hor - new specs, new dress, new cardi, new bag, new shoes - top to toe sia. On the train home we saw such interesting ads by the Police (or rather, their advertising agency) in their attempt to prevent youth crime - I just had to tell Patty about it. Up till now, I think out of all government thingies, the Navy most probably has the best print ads.
Ms Loh Chin Siew aka my sister had dinner with me. We ate at home - campbell's mushroom cream sauce with ham over our linguini pasta. Plus more mushroom, fried in teriyaki sauce.
Okay why am I telling people what I ate today.

The picture of a cross in my mind. Since there's this saying, "Hide me behind the cross," instead of looking from the front, I imagine myself behind the cross this time.
From that perspective, I see the ugly faces of men, mocking and boo-ing Jesus. I see them throw rock and stone at the cross, towards this direction. They hit him. And I am behind, sheltered by the cross.
He just gets pelted.
Would I be able to get up and stand before the cross (and my Jesus) to defend it? To be the one pelted at instead? Ah. That is what it means to be crucified. Dare I take a stand? To "protect" my Jesus? His image is being torn... will I allow my image to be the one destroyed (such that I care not for myself) so His image will not be tarnished?
The question here is - do I dare come out from hiding, to say that I love Jesus - I esteem Him better than myself - so I will be bold, and come forward to defend Him?
You say to be of good courage.