The life you've always wanted, by John Ortberg

It's quite funny when I go give a workshop, and one of the students is someone I know :D

I've started to keep a log of books that I've read. Because when people ask me to recommend books, unless the books were super outstanding, I can't remember which book is better than the other, and which to recommend for what, specifically. I like it that my mama cultivated it in us kids to love reading since we were young. I'm going to have a little library in my house next time. Actually, my house already has a mini library I guess. We need more shelves.



The life you've always wanted
John Ortberg

According to a much-traveled analogy, if we put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately hop out. But put the frog in water that’s at room temperature and hear it slowly, and the creature will stay there until it boils to death. Put him in a lethal environment suddenly, and he will escape. But introduce the danger gradually, and he will never notice.

The truth is that the dangers to which we are most vulnerable are generally not the sudden, dramatic, obvious ones. They are the ones that creep up on us, that are so much a part of our environment that we don’t even notice them.

The deeper truth is that we live in a lethal environment. American society is filled with ideas and values and pressures and temptations about success and security and comfort and happiness that we will not even notice unless we withdraw on occasion.


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