My Monash
Wow. I can log into my Monash University page :D yay. It's quite cool. As in, the page is not cool - it's like the usual ordinary looking school portals. But being able to log in is cool. And though this page is so ordinary looking and in fact, not very pretty, it's interesting! Because there are so many useful things on it.
SCHOOL IS STARTING! omg. Okay I think maybe I am finally getting excited. My page tells me the weather forecast for tonight is 18 degrees celsius. And I already have 39 emails. Somehow. My account calls me jluo. So uncool. But anyway. I can enroll for the units I want, here. Quite exciting - I'll be studying communications and sociology. I think my modules are going to be fun :D
I packed almost all my stuff today, to see if I can fit everything in my luggage. Then after I was done, I took out half the now crumpled clothes, cos well, I still need to wear clothes for the next few days right.
Thank you, to the people who sent me recipes :)
The life you've always wanted
John Ortberg
Not longer after he found sobriety, Bill Wilson – known in AA lore as “Bill W” – realized he was about to get drink. In desperation, he sought and found the name of another alcoholic, Dr. Bob, to whom he could tell his story. Ultimately, Dr Bob also become sober and with Bill W became the cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. But Bill W understood that the main reason for telling his story was not to save Dr Bob; rather, if he didn’t give away what he had, he would get drunk again.
Bill W knew it was not because he was strong and Dr Bob was weak that he was able to help Dr Bob. Bill W could help because he was weak, and in helping, he received strength.
Come, I show you my sec one design skills.

I have come some way manzz :P