Resource recommendations on relationships

Some people have been asking what would be good material on the topic of romantic relationships, be it to read, do a study on, or as guidance for being in a relationship for the first time. So here are a few I'd recommend, taken from a list I've read/heard so far. Check out the synopsis' at the links provided:

10 Keys to Choosing a Life Partner by Pastor Benny Ho. (Click on the link and choose Resources for the audio.) Out of all the messages I've heard about the topic of relationships, this is the best. It's the most "whole" message I've received, encompassing pretty much every basic thing you need to know about this topic. However, while practical, it is not personable, unlike most books on such topics which usually give examples based on personal experience.

It's very similar to Ravi Zacharias' I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebecca which has both the book, and an audio which I think you can download. Both this and Benny Ho's glean lessons from the story of Isaac and Rebekah in the Bible.

My (awesome) sister adds that Is it better to be married or single? by Neil Rhodes is good.

For girls, I like Elisabeth Elliot's Passion and Purity. I like Elisabeth Elliot because she's very personable, honest, and real. If you want quotes from the book, just type "Passion and Purity" into the search bar at the top of this blog page, or click on any of the "Quote" tags below each post.

Lisa Bevere's Kissed the girls and made them cry is pretty good as well. But maybe I'm biased because I like John Bevere. But anyway. I'd recommend this book more for girls who have been through relationships before. But if you haven't, you can read this too anyway. It's insightful. A very girl-power sort of book - tells you about feminine power, the right way. Hm maybe I'll do a quote series on this book, sometime later.

Sorry I don't have anything for just guys. There are books on the market though, such as Every boy's battle, but I haven't read it properly yet so I can't tell you if it's good or not.

For both guys and girls, Choosing God's Best by Dr Don Raunikar is quite good as well. It emphasises a lot on courtship vs dating. Some might find it conservative and not agree with some points Dr Don makes. But there are good points to learn and it is quite fresh, unlike some other books on relationships which sometimes seem to teach the same thing. Not a good book for non-serious readers though, as it is more factual than narrative.


The good thing about all the above is that you not only learn about relationships, but some other things about the Christian life as well. Just remember that when you read, don't merely read - it must go beyond head knowledge to heart knowledge.

A lot of times I skim through books and try to finish them fast and end up not absorbing anything - I must learn to slow down and let it sink in! Especially in the area of relationships. Because sometimes we know all the right things to do, but when emotions and well, hormones, come into the picture, our judgment and thinking goes a bit haywire.

Ravi Zacharias says, "Momentous choices are best made when preceded by protracted thought."
(Preceded = come before, Protracted = lasting for a long time)

So even if you're not in a relationship now, it'd be good to take some time to think about the sort of things that are important to you (yours and your future mate's core value system should be the same, or it'll be very hard to live together), the boundaries (emotional, physical) and such. This make the chances of having a good relationship, higher.

Hope this is helpful. You can always email me for anything. God bless :)


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