Sorry for being so terrible at being contactable :/
Hello, Happy 2008, everybody! Have you met Gary Booker? If you haven't, this is what Gary Booker looks like:

Okay sorry that was completely random. Anyways, here is part of an article (slightly edited) by Jessica Lim, published in The Straits Times on 31 Dec.
Young and desperately in need of some alone time
"... Yet this need for constant companionship can be unhealthy, says American psychologist Abraham Maslow. He argues that peak experiences - profound moments of love, happiness or rapture when a person feels more whole, alive, self-sufficient and yet part of the world - depend on being free of other people, neurotic involvements, needy relationships, obligations and hangovers.
Only by being alone, he argues, can we become our real and authentic selves, because we are not consumed with 'we' and ignore our own growth...
It is a simple matter of turning off the mobile phone, despite nagging fears that you might miss out on something... The symptoms - fear of getting a missed call, rummaging through one's handbag furiously when it rings, and feeling constantly uptight - all disappeared in a rush of relief as soon as my screen went blank and I felt wonderfully alone."
I was talking to this JC girl about her life and she was telling me how she just can't be uncontactable. When she turns off all communication channels (msn, email, phone) for a night, the morning is just a mad rush because she would have missed out on so much. I was thinking - wow how busy can you get.
There will be busy periods where you have to go a little crazy because there's so much to do. But it shouldn't be like that every single day. Some people find it hard to be alone for a while, to be still. Constant buzz is necessary. But yea, it's good to spend time alone. To be able to sit still for a while. To just do nothing. To just be you. To just do your own thing. Uh huh.
I usually miss calls because my phone is often on silent mode. It sometimes leaves people frustrated when they really need to contact me but well, I guess I just don't like being at my phone's beck and call.
Sorry for being so terrible at being contactable :/ There needs to be a balance I guess :)

Okay sorry that was completely random. Anyways, here is part of an article (slightly edited) by Jessica Lim, published in The Straits Times on 31 Dec.
Young and desperately in need of some alone time
"... Yet this need for constant companionship can be unhealthy, says American psychologist Abraham Maslow. He argues that peak experiences - profound moments of love, happiness or rapture when a person feels more whole, alive, self-sufficient and yet part of the world - depend on being free of other people, neurotic involvements, needy relationships, obligations and hangovers.
Only by being alone, he argues, can we become our real and authentic selves, because we are not consumed with 'we' and ignore our own growth...
It is a simple matter of turning off the mobile phone, despite nagging fears that you might miss out on something... The symptoms - fear of getting a missed call, rummaging through one's handbag furiously when it rings, and feeling constantly uptight - all disappeared in a rush of relief as soon as my screen went blank and I felt wonderfully alone."
I was talking to this JC girl about her life and she was telling me how she just can't be uncontactable. When she turns off all communication channels (msn, email, phone) for a night, the morning is just a mad rush because she would have missed out on so much. I was thinking - wow how busy can you get.
There will be busy periods where you have to go a little crazy because there's so much to do. But it shouldn't be like that every single day. Some people find it hard to be alone for a while, to be still. Constant buzz is necessary. But yea, it's good to spend time alone. To be able to sit still for a while. To just do nothing. To just be you. To just do your own thing. Uh huh.
I usually miss calls because my phone is often on silent mode. It sometimes leaves people frustrated when they really need to contact me but well, I guess I just don't like being at my phone's beck and call.
Sorry for being so terrible at being contactable :/ There needs to be a balance I guess :)