Melb updates - Wii, Bunnings, Cold

My room is the coldest in the house. I woke up today feeling quite cold, so it took me quite a while to get up. When I did, I went to sit in the living room where there was some sun. Until I felt hot. Then I went back to my room and you could feel the great temperature difference, so here I am back in the living room with my laptop. Dear sun please change direction as to where you shine so my room is warm during winter kthx. \m/


Last Saturday, I visited Bunnings with Uncle Oliver and Aunty Lucia. It's this big store which sells stuff like hardware and gardening stuff and I don't know.. a lot of things. It's quite cool, though not of much use for me who doesn't buy much of such stuff.

I bought a laundry basket, and I koped some papers from the paint section.

So my window now has this:

Hurhur. I would have taken more, but pai seh.

The best stationery shop here is Officeworks. Unfortunately, it cannot compare to Popular. Popular is one million gazillion times better. But well Officeworks sells stuff like printers and computers too so it's a bit different. Yay that I brought my own stationery. They do not sell plastic wrap for books here. They only have Contact sheets, which are sort of like lamination because they are sticky on one side. But I don't like that, so too bad.


Joel, Val, DD and I were wii-ing at Joel's place last Saturday night.

Wii-ing is an intense, competitive sport.

Visited Cross Culture Church of Christ, which is quite like Wesley in a way. But it's in the city so nopes I won't be going there regularly. Walked around the city and um random picture, because of the store name:

And Young and Jackson, just because it looked nice:


Some people are envious that arts students (like me) get only about 12 hours of school each week. But really, don't be. Because we've got tons of readings to do. The other night after one and a half hours of reading, I found myself only at page 15, which was really disappointing cos I'm used to speed reading. But when the stuff is new to you and chim, you get slower at reading. My studying-a-doctorate sister tells me the higher the level, the less you can speed read. But ohwell at least I understood what I was reading :/

If you're interested to read my analysis or whatever about doing a piece of work, click to enlarge:

This afternoon while Uncle Oliver and Shierly were talking, I found myself thinking - hey that's something I read about! Good I could apply what I've learnt! Unfortunately I could not remember the term for it. What I remembered was that the reading was on a right page, bottom left hand corner of my textbook.



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