OCF Easter Camp 2008

Hello! I was away for 4 days at OCF Easter Camp! And it was refreshing to be a full camper (versus being very involved, in previous camps I've been to). I met some awesome people :) I wouldn't say the sermons made a great impact on me, but the bestest part was when Lisa, the ministry helper there, prayed for me. And God's presence was there.

I've enjoyed the last 4 OCF Friday meetings I've been for, but I guess I'll enjoy it better now because after camp, I've seen what OCF is more about, and I've gotten to know its people better. So Friday night meetings will be more purposeful, maybe? I've also decided to join the Worship Team here at OCF Clayton (if they'll have me haha)! I've actually been struggling a bit, not being settled in a church yet, and not knowing whether to serve or not. But I think it's the right time to start committing and serving.

I MIGHT HAVE A GUITAR HERE WITH ME FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS! Cos my friend lacks luggage space for when she goes back to Singapore. So I'll help her bring back the guitar. ah. ha. ha. ha. haaaaa. It's a Baby Taylor. So that's nice :D

Dawn Chia and Rachel - ex PL Handbellers! There really are so many people here in Melbourne.

And my first MacDonalds meal in Melbourne - and a Happy Meal, too! The toy is from Strawberry Shortcake and it's supposed to be scented but I think it kinda stinks :P


The life you've always wanted
John Ortberg

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. –George Bernard Shaw


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