
I typed a quite serious post last night, but decided to not put it up.
And now, I am definitely not feeling all serious. I am all LALALA-ing.
Like, I want to play! And not do work! But then, who ever is in the mood to do work.
Okay some people, sometimes. But anyway.
I had a friend who used to go "ROAR" all the time, and I never knew how to use it.
Until... until the day I started feeling like saying ROAR? haha. Okay -_-
It's not a word you say out. It's one of those words you ever only say in your head/write.
Like words like "argypargy". And I haven't learnt to use "chiupee" yet. I doubt I ever will.

hahaha. Okay I think I'm starting to talk to just myself.

So okay I'll start talking to you, reader :)

Learnt a new word - Panglossian. According to the American Oxford dictionary - a person who is optimistic regardless of the circumstances. Originated from the name of the tutor and philosopher in Voltaire's Candide (um, whatever that is. haha).

Quite cool right - to have a word with a good meaning named after you.


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